All our tickets are sold out. Keep an eye on our JSinSA Youtube channel for videos towards the end of July.
Takes place on Saturday 15 July 2017 in Johannesburg.
We think all conferences should be free from any form of harassment or discrimination and that everyone should feel welcome and safe in its space.
It's very easy to put something up on our site, but our intention is to actively enforce & live what our code of conduct represents. This is the harder part and we're open to discuss how we can improve.
Physical copies will be available at the event and we'll also cover it in the opening keynote so everyone is aware.
p.s. our venue is wheel-chair and guide dog friendly.
To have a common dialog and understanding, please take a look at our 2017 code of conduct.
The conference organizers and some of our diversity sponsors have budget allocated to assist a few people who would benefit from the conference, but may not have the financial means to attend.
Get in contact with us if you or someone you know could benefit from this.
Surround yourself with some of the best that South Africa's web fraternity has to offer.
After getting insight into many of the new technologies, you'll be in a good position to leverage these in your next project.
Bring your questions and get them answered by peers face-to-face.
This event will be a fantastic opportunity to make lasting contacts with potential new employees/co-founders/bosses
No longer the domain of script-kiddies and copy & pasters, JavaScript and the community around it has grown up to deliver
full-stack solutions that rivals any other platform.
This event brings all the ideas and techniques required to deliver awesomeness
together in one room and showcases the power and versatility of JavaScript.
JSinSA is a vendor-neutral conference, so if you're a Ruby, .NET, or Node developer, you'll be at home and surrounded by experts in each of those fields. It's the perfect opportunity to chat with peers in the field and exchange ideas and techniques to broaden your knowledge.
Who should attend?
Anyone keen to learn battle-tested techniques and to see emerging technologies.
When and where?
Saturday, 15 July 2017 at The Wanderers Club in Illovo, Johannesburg
Minor changes may occur as we shuffle things around
Time Slot | |
7:30-8:25 |
8:25-8:30 | Welcome by Simon Stewart, Kudakwashe Murungu |
8:30-9:00 |
Building APIs with GraphQL by Nelson Pascoal
Sometimes REST just doesn’t feel like the right fit for your application, or maybe you need to build a flexible and easy-to-query API. GraphQL is definitely something you should have as an option in your toolbox. Let’s have a look at when GraphQL might just be the right fit. |
9:00-9:30 |
Using anemic components for rich-data presentation by Harold Campbell
The modern Web is at a point where ES 6 can be used create compelling rich-data presentation interfaces without relying on, or needing a plethora of libraries. Libraries introduce an element of complexity that can sometimes reduce the expressiveness of the designer, as you are forced to work in the confines of the libraries. In this talk I’d like to explore the merits of building rich-data presentation interfaces without the need for existing libraries. |
9:30-10:00 |
Organised chaos: real-world JavaScript microservices by Rouan Wilsenach
Rouan will show you the tools, technologies and techniques that power, a site that supports millions of teachers. He’ll share what he’s learned, what’s caught him out and some tips on how to operate effectively in the semi-chaotic world of full-stack JavaScript microservices. |
10:00-10:20 |
Mid-morning break
10:20-10:50 |
gRPC: An alternative to the REST? by Pieter Louw
"While our public API’s these days are mainly REST,it has become possible to expose our services through gRPC in addition to REST. gRPC is available for Node.js so join this journey to see what gRPC is and in what ways it can improve your API and/or internal service communications." |
10:50-11:20 |
Journey to VueJS by Etienne Marais
This is the story of how we are adopting VueJS into our team to start thinking about component level design and sharing. Sharing components across projects and leveraging event stream to share data across the business. Back to simplicity and making sense of the wild frontend space. |
11:20-11:50 |
Our Journey Between NodeJS and ASP.NET Core by Thabang Warren & Thabiso Mathebula
During the course of the talk, we will talk about our journey for fast and modern web applications using the latest technology, namely, NodeJS and ASP.NET Core. We will talk about the decision we had to make along the way in terms of which vehicle are we going to use to get us the best application. How we journeyed from SailsJS, Total.js and how we finally decided to go with ASP.NET Core. We’ll also discuss the benefits of using some Total.js in our application. |
11:50-12:20 |
Next level async with RxJS and Observables by Richard Young
Our interactions with web apps are becoming increasingly asynchronous. We will look at using RxJS and Observables to provide us with powerful methods of responding to, manipulating, and composing asynchronous events. |
12:20-13:30 |
13:30-13:45 |
NgRx effects by Jaisheel Mistry
In this talk I will cover how to use angular 2 with redux. I will show NgRx effects are used as well cover the difference between switching, flatmate and map when working with observables. I would also like to show some of the funnies of error handling with NgRx effects. |
13:45-14:00 |
JSinSPACE - JavaScript + electronics + Kerbals = Space? Sometimes ... by Ryan Kotzen, Jake Helme
Using the game Kerbal Space Program together with a combination of an Arduino, various electronic components, node.js, krpc, johnny-five, Google Protocol buffers, and the secret ingredient, JavaScript, we have been able to successfully send at least 17% of our Kerbals into orbit. |
14:05-14:35 |
Webpack2 : getting the most out of this awesome tool by Alexander Pittendrigh
This talk will unpack what Webpack is; how it works; installation and how to make the most out of it for general use |
14:35-15:05 |
WTF is AoT? by Gergana Young
Angular components and templates need to be compiled into JavaScript. There are two ways of doing this, Just-in-Time and Ahead-of-Time compilation. This talk will focus on the advantages of AoT and the performance benefits. |
15:05-15:25 |
Mid-afternoon break
15:25-15:55 |
Using back-pressure in Node.js by Charlene Tshitoka
In this talk, I'll share how I used back-pressure to ensure a database was not flooded with thousands of simultaneous writes against a single table. I’ll discuss Node.js streams, the different types and demonstrate how they can help with flow control. |
15:55-16:25 |
Reframing Single Page Apps for the Future by Kenneth Kalmer
Building a rich single page app is really hard. re-frame, a ClojureScript wrapper over react, together with a beautifully simple flow of immutable derived data, makes this an absolute joy. It also sports a toolchain that is the envy of any developer who’s seen it, but can’t use it. |
16:30-17:00 |
Intro to WebAssembly by Len Weincier
We lift the lid a little and take a look at the upcoming WebAssembly standard and try to understand what it means for us all. What is WASM and where is it headed ? Will it affect us ? Is it the future of a multi language web ? Is it the end of Javascript ? |
17:00-17:30 |
Building Progressive Web Apps by Simon Stewart
17:30-17:40 |
Lucky draw prizes & wrap up
Technical sessions covering some of the latest technologies and practices
Coffee, snacks during the day
Full lunch
Lucky-draw prizes & other giveaways
Interested in getting your brand in front of 350 developers? Contact us and we can help.